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The 2018 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2018


首先:为什么流媒体50, 而不是流媒体100强, 我们从2011年开始发布的?

Isn’t the online video industry growing, with more vendors than ever in the space?

虽然在线视频领域确实比以往任何时候都更加拥挤, 我们预计未来12到18个月将出现一次洗牌. Consumers can only subscribe to so many video services; more and more big broadcasters and telcos are bringing technology in-house via microservices and virtualization; and enterprises video is table stakes. So we decided to take our most challenging task of each year—picking the most important, 创新, 以及在线视频领域有趣的公司——让它变得更加困难. 我们的目标? 为我们的读者提供一份精英名单, 这些公司今天还在这里,明天就不会消失.


The other reason the list is smaller this year is that we’ve decided to take the video production part of the market, 欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载报道的那个, 并给出它自己的列表. 欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载25,我们将在四月/五月号上发表 流媒体杂志.

As usual, we’re focusing almost exclusively on technology vendors, rather than content companies. This list has always been about recognizing the companies that enable video services to deliver great content to consumers reliably at the highest possibly quality on every device, 希望能从中赚钱.

和过去几年一样, we asked our regular contributors to look at a master list of all the vendors in the online video marketplace and rank them on a scale of one (doesn’t belong on the 流媒体 50 at all) to five (no list of the most important companies would be complete without it). 前50名榜上有名.

Also, the 流媒体 50 focuses exclusively on companies with headquarters in North America. 今年晚些时候, 我们将公布一份类似的名单, 流媒体欧洲101, 重点关注总部设在欧洲的公司.



特洛伊德雷尔, senior associate editor, 流媒体; and editor, OnlineVideo.网
1月时, principal, Streaming Learning Center; and contributing editor, 流媒体
罗伯特•莱因哈特, CTO, VideoRx; and contributing editor, 流媒体
Dom罗宾逊, co-founder and creative firestarter, id3as; and contributing editor, 流媒体
Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, VP and editor-in-chief, 流媒体 Tim Siglin, contributing editor, 流媒体


You can see many of these companies and their products and services in person at 流媒体西部 在亨廷顿海滩, 加州, 下个月, 2月在伦敦举行的流媒体论坛, 以及5月份在纽约举行的流媒体东方(流媒体 East).

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The 2022 流媒体 50: The 50 Tech Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's 最有创意的 and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their 创新 approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. 这是我们第五年将榜单限制在50家公司.


我们的年度流媒体50总结了最重要的, 最有趣的, 以及最具创新性的在线视频解决方案提供商. You'll find names both familiar and unfamiliar here, as newer entrants join market veterans. 那么是谁上榜了呢? 继续读下去 ...


Want to make sure your company is considered for our annual list of the most important, 创新, 以及在线视频领域有趣的公司? 继续读下去,并在8月27日前提交你的提名.


谁列出了我们的年度最重要人物名单, 最有创意的, 以及在线视频领域最有趣的公司? 继续读下去 ...


Want to make sure your company is considered for our annual list of the most important, 创新, 以及在线视频领域有趣的公司? 继续读下去.


我们的流媒体专家小组发表了讲话, and these are the 50 companies doing the most important and 创新 work in online video today.

The 2019 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2019

我们的独家行业定义榜单于2019年回归. 以下是每个流媒体读者都必须知道的50家公司, 那些引领我们走向未来的人. These are the most important, 创新, and interesting companies in the online video universe.


Want to make sure your company is considered for our annual list of the most important, 创新, 以及在线视频领域有趣的公司? 继续读下去.


Heroes of the ‘streamverse' on our elite 2018 流媒体 50 list share their insights in the annual VIEW FROM THE TOP.


今天的视频消费者想要这一切. 在他们喜欢的设备上提供高质量的内容. Watch-on-your-own-time功能. 访问如此容易,他们不必三思而后行. 为他们量身定制的内容.


随着2018年接近尾声,有史以来规模最大的IBC上周刚刚结束, 数字版权管理市场的三个关键动向已经浮出水面. In the first scenario we see a massive movement towards standardized containers like FMP4 in HLS and CMAF for the deployment of "Consumer DRM" including Apple FairPlay, 谷歌Widevine和微软PlayReady.


当编码.网站成立于2008年10月, no one in the video space was even using the word "cloud" let alone deploying large-scale content operations on cloud infrastructure.


当视频内容可以在各种设备上流式传输时, viewers were simply excited to have access and to consume programming even if the quality was lower than traditional broadcast.


在某种程度上, the security technologists have muddied the waters with generations of product that demanded proprietary formats, esoteric interfaces and a tendency to hide topics in a veil of secrecy that obscures the key logic and principles.


在互联网上持续播放高质量的视频是很困难的. 点播游戏很难,低延迟直播更难. A big enough problem for the industry's biggest players to pre-pay a group of Emmy Award researchers to build a platform that didn't exist 22 months ago. 如今,它正在影响数千万美国用户的流媒体.


While cord-cutting is on the rise, traditional broadcast still has some advantages over streaming. 首先也是最重要的:它 ... 作品.

释放OTT: sechange倡导开放、多供应商解决方案

如今的OTT内容传输生态系统已经彻底改变了整个行业, perhaps most significantly by presenting broader opportunities to build powerful and lasting relationships with viewers.


Streaming viewers expect to access content at any time, in any place and on any platform. 同时, research indicates that consumers do not have much more incremental time that they can spend watching video. 一场争夺消费者注意力的战斗正在激烈进行.


It's no secret that the growing complexity of the global media and entertainment industry has made it harder to deliver content in the traditional way and maintain direct control over rights negotiation, 质量水平和交付格式.


在最激动人心的行业里,又是激动人心的一年. 在Lightcast.我们只是热爱我们所做的事情, 而且还, 没有什么比客户的媒体项目更让我们兴奋的了. 


Presenting our 2017 list of the 100 companies doing the 最有趣的 and 创新 work in streaming video. We're shining a spotlight on the companies that enable the creation and delivery of today's video revolution.

The 2017 流媒体 100: The 100 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2017

设定标准的榜单又回来了. 流媒体 presents its authoritative list of the most important companies in the online video industry, 那些引领我们走向未来的人. 我们这个快速变化的行业在一份有大量新名字的名单中得到了反映.
